1.  Welcome
    1.  Welcome
    2.  At-Will Employment
  2.  Introductory Language and Policies
    1.  About the Company
    2.  Ethics Code
    3.  Revisions to Handbook
  3.  Hiring and Orientation Policies
    1.  EEO Statement and No harassment Policy
    2.  Disability Accommodation
    3.  Conflicts of Interest
    4.  Employment Authorization Verification
  4.  Wage and Hour Policies
    1.  Pay Period
    2.  Paycheck Deductions
    3.  Recording Time
    4.  Overtime Authorization for Nonexempt Employees
    5.  Attendance Policy
    6.  Job Abandonment (No Call No Show)
    7.  Rest and Meal Periods
  5.  Code Of Conduct
    1.  Standards of Conduct
    2.  Disciplinary Process
    3.  Exit Interview
  6.  General Policies
    1.  Driving Record
    2.  Personnel and Medical Records
    3.  Voicemail, Email, and Internet Policy
    4.  Employee Suggestions/Open Door Policy
    5.  Non-solicitation / Non-distribution Policy
    6.  Personal Appearance
    7.  Telephone Use
    8.  Security
    9.  Personal Data Changes
  7.  Benefits
    1.  Regular Full-Time Employees
    2.  Regular Part-Time Employees
    3.  Exempt Employees
    4.  Health Insurance
    5.  Sick Pay Healthy Workplace Healthy Family Act of 2014 (AB 1522)
    6. Leaves of Absence (FLMA Covered Employers)
    7. Family and Medical Leave of Absence Policy
    8. Military Leave (USERRA)
    9. Jury Duty and Witness Leave
    10. Voting Leave
    11. Workers Compensation Insurance
    12. Unemployment Compensation Insurance
    13. COBRA
  8.  Safety and Loss Prevention
    1.  General Safety Policy
    2.  Drug and Alcohol Policy
    3.  Nonsmoking Policy
    4.  Policy Again Violence
  9.  Trade Secrets and Inventions
    1.  Confidentiality and Nondisclosure of Trade Secret
  10. Covid-19 and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    1. CDC Guidelines
  11. Closing Statement
    1. Closing Statement
  12. Acknowledgment of Receipt and Review
    1. Acknowledgement of Receipt and Review

1.0   Welcome

1.1   Welcome

Dear Staff Member:

Welcome to STRATUM HR! You have joined a personnel firm that specializes in Administrative, Industrial, and Manufacturing. We certainly want to do our part to make your Employee as enjoyable as possible.

As a staff member of STRATUM HR, the importance of your contribution cannot be overstated. Our goal is to provide the optimum in quality services to our clients', more efficiently and economically than our competitors. By satisfying our clients' needs, they will continue to do business with us and will recommend us to others.

You are an important part of this process, for your work directly influences our corporation's reputation.

This Employee handbook summarizes the key terms and conditions of your Employee on the subjects discussed herein. You should refer to this handbook together with your proprietary information agreement and offer letter.

This Employee handbook is a source of information about payroll, privileges, benefits, procedures, along with a few general rules and policies. The handbook is not a legal document or an Employee contract. It is for your information.

In a diligent effort to be responsive to the needs of a rapidly growing organization, changes or additions to this handbook will be made when necessary.

We are glad you have selected STRATUM HR and we hope you will find your work to be both challenging and rewarding.



Human Resources

1.2   At-Will Employment

Your employment with STRATUM HR is on an "at-will" basis. This means your employment may be terminated at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. Likewise, we respect your right to leave STRATUM HR at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause.

Nothing in this employee handbook or any other Company document should be understood as creating a contract, guaranteed or continued employment.

2.0   Introductory Language and Policies

2.1   About the Company

STRATUM HR has been connecting ambitious employees to employers since 2019. Whether you are searching for an employee or looking to work for an established company anywhere in the nation, STRATUM HR is the right service for you.

2.2   Ethics Code

STRATUM HR will conduct its business honestly and ethically wherever operations are maintained. We strive to improve the quality of our services, products, and operations and will maintain a reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust, and sound business judgment. Our managers and employees are expected to adhere to high standards of business and personal integrity as a representation of our business practices.

We expect that officers, directors, and employees will not knowingly misrepresent STRATUM HR and will not speak on behalf of STRATUM HR unless specifically authorized. The confidentiality of trade secrets, proprietary information, and similar confidential commercially-sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.) about our Company or operations, or that of our customers or partners, is to be treated with discretion and only be disseminated on a need-to-know basis (see policies relating to privacy). Violation of the Code of Ethics can result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment. The degree of discipline imposed may be influenced by the existence of voluntary disclosure of any ethical violation and whether or not the violator cooperated in any subsequent investigation.

Any misuse of material inside information in connection with trading in the Company's securities can expose an individual to civil liability and penalties under the Securities Exchange Act. Under this act, officers, managers, and employees in possession of material information not available to the public are considered "insiders." Spouses, friends, suppliers, brokers, and others outside STRATUM HR who may have acquired such information directly or indirectly from an officer, manager, or employee are also "insiders." The act prohibits insiders from trading in, or recommending the sale or purchase of, the Company's securities, while such inside information is regarded as "material," or if it is important enough to influence you or any other person in the purchase or sale of securities of any company with which we do business, which could be affected by the inside information. The following guidelines should be followed in dealing with inside information:

Until material information has been publicly released by the Company, an employee must not disclose it to anyone except those within STRATUM HR whose positions require use of that information.

Officers, managers, and employees must not buy or sell the Company's securities when they have knowledge of material information concerning STRATUM HR until it has been disclosed to the public and the public has had sufficient time to absorb the information.

Officers, managers, and employees shall not buy or sell securities of another corporation, the value of which is likely to be affected by an action by STRATUM HR of which the employee is aware and which has not been publicly disclosed.

2.3   Revisions to Handbook

This employee handbook is our attempt to keep you informed of the terms and conditions of your employment, including Company policies and procedures. The handbook is not a contract. STRATUM HR reserves the right to revise, add, or delete from this handbook as it determines to be in its best interest except the policy concerning at will employment. When changes are made to the policies and guidelines contained herein, we will endeavor to communicate them in a timely fashion, typically in a written supplement to the handbook or in a posting on company bulletin boards.


3.0    Hiring and Orientation Policies

3.1   EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Statement                                                                     

Our Company is committed to the principles of equal employment. We are committed to complying with all federal, state, and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other employment laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a work environment which is free of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation because of age (40 and over), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws. STRATUM HR is dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy in regard to all aspects of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training, promotion, rates of pay, and other compensation, termination, and all other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

STRATUM HR will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, or any violation of the Company's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in a confidential manner. STRATUM HR will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. STRATUM HR prohibits retaliation against any employee who provides information about, complains, or assists in the investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the Company's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding the Company's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and any claimed violations of that policy should be brought to the attention of your manager and/or human resource personnel.

Policy Against Workplace Harassment

STRATUM HR has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon an individual’s age (40 and over), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws. All forms of harassment of, or by, employees, vendors, visitors, customers, and clients are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

A. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment (2) submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

While it is not possible to identify each and every act that constitutes or may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of sexual harassment are provided below: (a) unwelcome requests for sexual favors; (b) lewd or derogatory comments or jokes; (c) comments regarding sexual behavior or the body of another employee; (d) sexual innuendo and other vocal activity such as catcalls or whistles; (e) obscene letters, notes, emails, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles, or other written or pictorial materials of a sexual natures; (f) repeated requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome; (g) retaliating against an employee for refusing a sexual advance or reporting an incident of possible sexual harassment to STRATUM HR or any government agency; (h) offering or providing favors or employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations, favorable assigned duties or shifts, etc., in exchange for sexual favors; and (i) any unwanted physical touching or assaults, or blocking or impeding movements.

B. Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is often verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual because of the individual’s age

Other workplace harassment is often verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual because of the individual’s age (40 and over), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment: (a) the use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories; (b) written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes or shows aversion or hostility towards an individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, email, voicemail, or elsewhere on the Company's premises, or circulated in the workplace; and (c) a display of symbols, slogans,  or intolerance towards any select group.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

Any employee who feels that he or she has witnessed, or been subject to, any form of discrimination or harassment is required to immediately notify their supervisor, Human Resources manager, or other manager at the Company.

STRATUM HR prohibits retaliation against any employee who, based on a reasonable belief, provides information about, complains, or assists in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

We will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate action where we find a claim has merit. Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to reprimand, suspension, demotion, transfer, and discharge. If STRATUM HR determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary, STRATUM HR may monitor any incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped. In all cases, STRATUM HR will follow up as necessary to ensure no retaliation for making a complaint or cooperating with an investigation.

3.2   Disability Accommodation

STRATUM HR complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and all applicable state and local fair employment practices laws and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities (including pregnancy-related disabilities). Consistent with this commitment, STRATUM HR will provide a reasonable accommodation to disabled employees if the reasonable accommodation would allow the individual to perform the essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship.

If you require an accommodation because of your disability, notify your STRATUM HR Representative. When making your request for an accommodation, make sure to include relevant information, such as:

A description of the proposed accommodation.

The reason you need an accommodation.

How the accommodation will help you perform the essential functions of your job.

After receiving your request, STRATUM HR will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the precise limitations of your disability and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome those limitations. STRATUM HR encourages you to suggest specific reasonable accommodations that you believe would allow you to perform your job. However, STRATUM HR is not required to make the specific accommodation requested by you and may provide an alternative accommodation, to the extent any reasonable accommodation can be made without imposing an undue hardship on the Company.

STRATUM HRwill not discriminate or retaliate against any employee for requesting an accommodation.

3.3   Conflicts of Interest

STRATUM HR is concerned with conflicts of interest that create actual or potential job-related concerns, especially in the areas of confidentiality, customer relations, safety, security, and morale. Any actual or potential conflict of interest between an employee of STRATUM HR and a competitor, supplier, distributor, or contractor to the Company, must be disclosed by the employee to Human Resources. If an actual or potential conflict of interest is determined to exist, STRATUM HR will take such steps as it deems necessary to reduce or eliminate this conflict.

3.4   Employment Authorization Verification

All new hires and current employees are required by federal law to verify their identity and eligibility to work in the United States. You will be required to complete federal Form I-9 on the first day of employment. If this form and verification of employment eligibility is not completed during the first three days of employment, we are required by law to terminate your employment. If you are currently employed and have not complied with this requirement or if your status has changed, please inform your supervisor.

4.0   Wage and Hour Policies

4.1   Pay Period

STRATUM HR may use an alternative leasing company for all Employees. However, the leasing company payday is dependent upon the pay cycle for each Employee. Unless otherwise noted your pay, cycle will be weekly. Paychecks are delivered to you or mailed within at least 5 business days after the end of the pay period. STRATUM HR does not provide any payroll advances or extend credit to employees.

 In case of an error in your paycheck, contact your supervisor immediately to review the possible error. Except in emergencies, adjustments will appear in the next issued paycheck. If you lose your paycheck, notify STRATUM HR IMMEDIATELY, STRATUM HR will replace the check after bank authorization. We may also charge a processing fee for check replacement.


4.2    Paycheck Deductions

STRATUM HR is required by federal, state, and certain local laws to withhold certain deductions from your paycheck. This includes income and unemployment taxes, and FICA contributions (Social Security and Medicare) as well as any other deductions required under law or by court order for wage garnishments. The amount of your tax deductions will depend on your earnings and the number of exemptions you list on your federal Form W-4 and applicable state withholding form. You may also authorize voluntary deductions from your paycheck, including contributions for insurance premiums, retirement plans, spending accounts, or other services. Your deductions will be reflected in your wage statement.

Contact your STRATUM HR representative for any questions about your paycheck.

4.3   Recording Time

All Employees require properly recording workweek activity. All Assignees are responsible for making sure their time is recorded accurately. Submission of your timecard or workweek activity will be via your supervisors' instructions. Please follow the directions he/she has provided. If you find any errors, contact your supervisor immediately. You must record your own time, never the time of another employee.

Falsification of time records or recording time for another employee may result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

4.4   Overtime Authorization for Nonexempt Employees

If you are a nonexempt employee, you may qualify for overtime pay. All overtime must be approved in advance, in writing, by your supervisor. Please request an overtime authorization form prior to working overtime.

At certain times STRATUM HR may require you to work overtime. We will attempt to give as much notice as possible in this instance. However, advance notice may not always be possible. Failure to work overtime when requested or working unauthorized overtime may result in discipline, up to and including discharge.

Overtime pay is based on hours worked per workday and workweek in accordance with state and federal requirements. Employees shall record all time worked, including time worked over their normal schedule, on the time card at the time it actually occurs. Time is rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour. Overtime hours worked in excess of 8 hours in a workday, and approved by your supervisor, will be paid one and one-half times your base rate of pay per hour. Hours worked in excess of 12 hours in a workday, and approved by your supervisor, will be paid two times your base rate of pay per hour. Hours worked means time actually spent on the job. It does not include hours away from work due to vacation, sickness, or holiday even when these days are compensated. Unpaid sick leave, personal leave or any other time away from work is also not considered hours worked.

4.5   Attendance Policy

Absenteeism and tardiness represent a serious loss to you and the company. If you are absent others have to pick up your part, work scheduling becomes difficult and imposes a hardship on your coworkers. It is important that you be at work at your appointed time every day you are scheduled.

 If you are going to be absent or late, you must report to your supervisor before this happens. If you fail to report to work for three consecutive scheduled working days without proper notification your supervisor will consider you to have "abandoned" your job and you will be subject to discharge or separation. Employees may be required to provide documentation of any medical or other excuse for being absent or late.

STRATUM HR reserves the right to apply unused vacation, sick time, or other paid time off to unauthorized absences. Absences resulting from approved leave, vacation, or legal requirements are exceptions to the policy.

4.6   Job Abandonment

If an employee fails to show up for work or call in with an acceptable reason for the absence, he or she will be considered to have abandoned his or her job and voluntarily resigned from the company. 

4.7   Rest and Meal Periods

STRATUM HR strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal and state regulations regarding rest and meal periods.

Meal Periods

STRATUM HRprovides at least a 30-minute meal period to employees who work more than five hours unless they work six or fewer hours total and elect in writing to waive the first meal period. STRATUM HR provides a second 30-minute meal period to employees who work more than 10 hours in a workday, unless they work twelve or fewer hours total, did not waive the first meal period, and elect in writing to waive the second meal period.

Employees should take their first meal period before the end of the fifth hour of work. A meal period that starts after an employee has worked in excess of 5 hours is considered late. 

Employees should take their second meal period before the end of the tenth hour of work. A second meal period that starts after an employee has worked in excess of 10 hours is considered late. 

Meal periods cannot be taken at the beginning or end of shifts in order to arrive to work late or leave work early. Employees will be relieved of all of their duties during meal periods and are allowed to leave the premises.

Rest Breaks

Non-exempt employees are authorized and permitted to take a 10-minute net paid rest break for every four hours worked, or major fraction thereof. STRATUM HR authorizes and permits rest breaks according to the following schedule:

Whenever practicable, non-exempt employees should take their rest breaks near the middle of each four-hour work period. Non-exempt employees may not accumulate rest breaks or use rest breaks as a basis for starting work late, leaving work early, or extending a meal period. Non-exempt employees also may not leave work premises during a rest break.

Because rest breaks are paid, non-exempt employees should not clock out for them.

Non-exempt employees who work more than 14 hours in a workday may be entitled to additional rest breaks.

Any non-exempt employee who is not authorized and permitted to take a rest break pursuant to the terms of this Policy should complete a California Meal Period and Rest Break Premium Request Form and submit it to his/her manager by the end of the pay period. Otherwise, STRATUM HR will assume the employee either took his/her rest break or voluntarily decided to waive it.


Non-exempt employees are expected to take their meal periods and rest breaks in accordance with the applicable guidelines set forth in this Policy. Management is expected to make meal periods and rest breaks available to their employees in accordance with this Policy. Supervisors can schedule meal periods and rest breaks for their employees, taking into account their department's operational requirements and employee needs. Supervisors may stagger employees' meal periods and/or rest breaks so ongoing operational responsibilities are not compromised, so long as the applicable guidelines in this Policy are met. When necessary, and for legitimate business reasons, a supervisor may direct an employee to work through a meal period or rest break, take a short meal period, or take a late meal period. When this occurs, the supervisor must ensure the employee completes and submits a Premium Request Form.

Supervisors are responsible for administering their department's meal periods and rest breaks in a fair and uniform manner. Supervisors may not pressure or coerce employees to "voluntarily" skip their meal periods or rest breaks. Any employee who feels s/he has been pressured or coerced into voluntarily skipping a meal period or rest break should immediately report the situation to the Human Resources Department.


Any employee, supervisor, or manager who fails to observe meal period and rest break policies will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Violations of this Policy should be reported to any manager or the Human Resources Department. Every report will be fully investigated, and corrective action will be taken where appropriate.

In addition, STRATUM HR will not allow any form of retaliation against individuals who report alleged violations of this Policy or who cooperate in the Company's investigation of such reports. Any form of retaliation in violation of this Policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

5.1   Standards of Conduct

STRATUM HR wishes to create a work environment that promotes job satisfaction, respect, responsibility, integrity, and value for all of our employees, clients, customers, and other stakeholders. Every employee has a shared responsibility toward improving the quality of our work environment. By deciding to work at this Company, you agree to follow the Company's rules.

While it is impossible to list every item that could be considered misconduct in the workplace, what is outlined here is a list of common-sense infractions that could result in discipline, up to and including immediate termination of employment. This policy is not intended to limit the Company's right to discipline or discharge employees for any reason permitted by law. In fact, while we value our employees, STRATUM HRretains the right to terminate an employee on an "at-will" basis.

Examples of inappropriate conduct include:

Violation of the policies and procedures set forth in this handbook.

Possessing, using, distributing, selling, or negotiating the sale of illegal drugs or other controlled substances.

Being under the influence of alcohol during working hours on Company property (including Company vehicles), or on Company business.

Inaccurate reporting of the hours worked by you or any other employee.

Providing knowingly inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information when speaking on behalf of STRATUM HR or in the preparation of any employment related documents including, but not limited to, job applications, personnel files, employment review documents, intra-Company communication or expense records.

Taking or destroying Company property.

Possession of potentially hazardous or dangerous property [where not permitted] such as firearms, weapons, chemicals, etc., without prior authorization.

Fighting with, or harassment (as defined in our EEO policies) of, any fellow employee, vendor, or customer.

Disclosure of Company trade secrets and proprietary and confidential commercially-sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.) of STRATUM HR or its customers, contractors, suppliers, or vendors.

Refusal or failure to follow directions or to perform a requested or required job task.

Refusal or failure to follow safety rules and procedures.

Excessive tardiness or absences.

Smoking in no designated areas.

Working unauthorized overtime.

Solicitation of fellow employees on STRATUM HR premises during working time

Failure to dress according to Company policy.

Use of obscene or harassing (as defined by our EEO policies) language in the workplace.

Outside employment which interferes with your ability to perform your job at this Company.

Gambling on Company premises.

Lending keys or keycards to Company property to unauthorized persons.

Nothing in this policy is intended to limit employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act.

5.2   Disciplinary Process

Violation of Company policies or procedures may result in disciplinary action including demotion, transfer, leave without pay, or termination of employment. STRATUM HR encourages a system of progressive discipline depending on the type of prohibited conduct. However, STRATUM HR is not required to engage in progressive discipline and may discipline or terminate an employee where he or she violates the rules of conduct, or where the quality or value of the employee's work fails to meet expectations at any time. Again, any attempt at progressive discipline does not imply that your employment is anything other than on an "at will" basis.

In appropriate circumstances, management will provide the employee first with a verbal warning, then with one or more written warnings, and if the conduct is not sufficiently altered, eventual demotion, transfer, forced leave, or termination of employment. Your supervisor will make every effort possible to allow you to respond to any disciplinary action taken. Understand that while STRATUM HRis concerned with consistent enforcement of our policies, STRATUM HRis not obligated to follow any disciplinary or grievance procedure and that depending on the circumstances, employees may be disciplined or terminated without any prior warning or procedure.

5.3   Exit Interview

You may be asked to participate in an exit interview when you leave the Company. The purpose of the exit interview is to provide management with greater insight into your decision to leave employment; identify any trends requiring attention or opportunities for improvement; and to assist STRATUM HRin developing effective recruitment and retention strategies. Your cooperation in the exit interview process is appreciated.

6.0   General Policies

6.1   Driving Record

All employees required to operate a motor vehicle as part of their employment duties must maintain a valid driver's license and acceptable driving record. STRATUM HR may run a motor vehicle department check to determine an employee's driving record. It is your responsibility to provide a copy of your current driver's license for your personnel file. Any changes in your driving record, including, but not limited to, driving infractions, must be reported to the Company.

State law requires all motorists to carry auto liability insurance. It is against the law to drive without insurance. Employees using their own vehicle as a part of their employment duties must provide management with a current proof of insurance statement or card. A new proof of insurance is required every time your policy expires and renews.

6.2   Personnel and Medical Records

STRATUM HR maintains a personnel and medical file for every employee. Medical records will be kept in a separate folder. Every effort will be made to keep your personnel and medical records confidential. Access is on a "need-to-know" basis only. This includes, but is not limited to, supervisors and others in management reviewing the file for possible promotion, transfer, or layoff.

If an employee wishes to review his or her personnel or medical file, he or she may do so after giving STRATUM HR reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative. All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the Human Resources department, which is the only department authorized to give out such information.

6.3   Voicemail, Email, and Internet Policy

This Voicemail/Email/Internet Policy is intended to provide each employee of STRATUM HRwith the guidelines associated with the use of the Company's voicemail/email/Internet system (the system). This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, partners, or associates, and any others accessing and/or using the Company's system through onsite or remote terminals.


General Provisions

The system, and all data transmitted or received through the system, are the exclusive property of the Company. No individual should have any expectation of privacy in any communication over this system. Any individual permitted to have access to the Company's system will be given a voicemail, email and/or Internet address and/or access code, and will have use of the system, consistent with this policy.

STRATUM HR reserves the right to monitor, intercept, and/or review all data transmitted, received, or downloaded over the system. Any individual who is given access to the system is hereby given notice that STRATUM HR will exercise this right periodically, without prior notice and without the prior consent of the employee.

The Company's interests in monitoring and intercepting data include, but are not limited to: protection of Company trade secrets, proprietary, and similar confidential commercially-sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.); managing the use of the Company's computer system; and/or assisting the employee in the management of electronic data during periods of absence. No individual should interpret the use of password protection as creating a right or expectation of privacy. In order to protect everyone involved, no one can have a right or expectation of privacy with regards to the receipt, transmission or storage of data on STRATUM HR Voicemail/Email/Internet system.

Any employee who violates the policies in this handbook will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. If necessary, STRATUM HR will also advise law enforcement officials of any illegal conduct.

6.4   Employee Suggestions/Open Door Policy

We welcome suggestions for continued improvement and welcome your ideas for better ways to do your job, produce or sell the products or services of our Company, or meet customer and client needs. Discuss your ideas with your supervisor or another member of the management team.

We also encourage you to offer any suggestions, or other outside sources of information you believe would add value to the Company.

6.5   Nonsolicitation/Nondistribution Policy

To avoid disruption of business operations or disturbance of employees, visitors, and others, STRATUM HR  has implemented a Nonsolicitation Policy. For purposes of the Nonsolicitation Policy, "solicitation" includes selling items or services, requesting contributions, and soliciting or seeking to obtain membership in or support for any organization. Solicitation performed through verbal, written, or electronic means is covered by the Nonsolicitation Policy.

Employees are prohibited from soliciting other employees during their assigned working time. For this purpose, working time means time during which either the soliciting employees or the employees who are the object of the solicitation are expected to be actively engaged with assigned work.

To avoid inappropriate litter, clutter, and safety risks, employees may not distribute literature or other nonwork related items in working areas at any time.


6.6    Personal Appearance

Your personal appearance reflects the reputation, integrity, and public image of the Company. All employees are required to report to work neatly groomed and dressed. You are expected to maintain personal hygiene habits that are generally accepted in the community, including clean clothing, good grooming and personal hygiene, and appropriate attire for the workplace and the work being performed. This may include wearing company uniforms or protective safety clothing and equipment, depending upon the job. Use common sense and good judgment in determining what to wear to work. 

Fragrant products, including but not limited to perfumes, colognes, and scented body lotions or hair products, should be used in moderation out of concern for others with sensitivities or allergies.

STRATUM HR will make every effort to reasonably accommodate employees with disabilities or with religious beliefs that make it difficult for them to comply fully with the personal appearance policy. Contact your manager, supervisor and Human Resources to request a reasonable accommodation. 

Failure to comply with the personal appearance standards may result in being sent home to groom or change clothes. Frequent violations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

6.7   Telephone Use

Our phones are principally for work-related communications. Unless there is an emergency, employees are required to limit long distance telephone calls to business purposes only. Employees should limit personal use of the telephone to brief communications during rest periods where possible. Casual conversation with friends and relatives during working hours is strongly discouraged. Telephone use is subject to the Voicemail/Email/Internet Usage Policy.

6.8   Security

Every employee is responsible for helping to make this a secure work environment. Upon leaving work, lock all desks, lockers, and doors protecting valuable or sensitive material in your work area and report any lost or stolen keys, passes, or other similar devices to your supervisor immediately. You should refrain from discussing with nonemployees specifics regarding Company security systems, alarms, passwords, etc.

We also request that you immediately advise your supervisor of any known or potential security risks and/or suspicious conduct of employees, customers, or guests of the Company. Safety and security is the responsibility of every employee and we rely on you to help us keep our premises secure.

6.9   Personal Data Changes

It is your obligation to provide STRATUM HR with all your current contact information, including current mailing address and telephone number. Please inform STRATUM HR of any changes to your marital or tax withholding status. Failure to do so may result in loss of benefits or delayed receipt of W-2 and other mailings.




7.0    Benefits

7.1   Regular Full-Time Employees

A regular full-time employee is an employee that is regularly scheduled to work in excess of [30] hours per week. Unless stated otherwise, all the benefits if available and provided to employees are for regular full-time employees only.

7.2   Regular Part-Time Employees

Any employee who works less than (30) hours per week is considered a part-time employee. Part-time employees are not eligible for Company benefits unless specified otherwise in this handbook or in the benefit plan summaries.

7.3   Exempt Employees

If you are classified as an exempt employee at the time of your hiring, you are not eligible for overtime pay as otherwise required by federal, state, or local laws. If you have a question regarding whether you are an exempt or nonexempt employee, contact your supervisor for clarification.

7.4   Health Insurance

STRATUM HR currently doesn’t provide employees with the opportunity to elect health insurance. Employees have the option of dependent coverage at their own expense. 

Please understand that plan eligibility does not necessarily mean coverage for all medical treatments or procedures. In addition, under changed circumstances you may be responsible for contributing to the cost of increased premiums. This benefit, as well as other benefits, may be canceled or changed at the discretion of the Company, unless otherwise required by law.

If you or a dependent become ineligible for benefits due to a change in work hours or through a life event, or you leave employment with us, you may have the right to continue your medical benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

7.5   Sick Pay

Healthy Workplace Healthy Family Act of 2014 (AB 1522)

In California STRATUM HR allows its employees who have completed 90 days of employment 40 hours/ 5 sick days per calendar year. Give your supervisor as much advance notice as possible if you are going to take sick time off. There may be occasions, such as sudden illness, when you cannot notify your supervisor in advance. In those situations, you must inform your supervisor of your circumstances as soon as possible. You may also be requested to provide a certificate of illness to your supervisor.

You may use sick leave benefits for the purpose of dental or doctor visits as well as to care for immediate family members who are sick. There may also be state mandated use of sick time. Unused sick days may not be converted to a cash payment. You may be required to use available sick leave during family and medical leave, disability leave, or other leave.

Provide for accrual of one hour for every 30 hours worked and allow use of at least 40 hours or 5 days or provide at least 40 hours or 5 days at the beginning of a 12-month period of paid sick leave for each eligible employee to use per year.

Allow eligible employees to use accrued paid sick leave upon reasonable request.

Accrued paid sick leave may be carried over to the next year, but it may be capped at 48 hours or six days.

7.6   Leaves of Absence (FMLA Covered Employers)

A leave of absence (leave) is defined as an unpaid approved absence from work for a specified period of time for medical, parental, military, or other approved reasons. If an employee finds that he she must be out of work for more than three days, he or she should contact the Human Resources department to determine if a leave of absence may be necessary.

While on leave, an employee must contact the Human Resources department at least every 30 days. This provision does not apply to employees taking Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave. Employees taking FMLA leave should consult the documents they are provided for FMLA leave or should discuss such notification or certification issue with Human Resources. Failure to contact HR upon request may result in voluntary termination of employment. Failure to return to work upon the expiration of the leave or refusing an offer of reinstatement for which the employee is qualified will also result in voluntary termination of employment.

Required Documentation

All requests for a leave of absence must be made on a Leave of Absence Request Form for the particular leave (FMLA, disability accommodation, military, pregnancy, other medical leave, personal leave, etc.) and submitted to the immediate supervisor. An employee must provide 30 days' advance notice when the need for the leave of absence is foreseeable; for instance, if medical treatments or other events are planned or known in advance. If the leave of absence is not foreseeable, the employee must provide notice to his or her immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Medical certifications and/or other documentation supporting the need for the leave may be required.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leaves of absence allow for up to 12 weeks of group health insurance if available continuation coverage in the same manner as if the employee continued to work. The employee must continue to pay his or her portion of the benefits which may be made by payroll deductions (when applicable) or by check which must be submitted to the Human Resources department each pay period unless other arrangements have been made. If the employee fails to pay his or her portion of the benefits for more than 30 days, the employee's coverage(s) will be terminated.

While on leave, employees may be required to use any accrued PTO or sick time.

No benefits will be accrued while an employee is on leave. Except as otherwise provided by law, time spent on a leave of absence, except for military reserve duty, will not be counted as time employed in determining an employee's eligibility for benefits that accrue on the basis of length of employment.

Return to Work

Upon return to work, the employee will be required to provide medical clearance.


7.7    Family and Medical Leave of Absence Policy 

A. General

We recognize that there are times when an employee may need to be absent from work due to qualifying events under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Accordingly, we will provide eligible employees up to a combined total of 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave per leave year for the following reasons and any other leave authorized by the FMLA:

Parental Leave: For the birth or placement of an adopted or foster child;

Personal Medical Leave: When an employee is unable to work due to his or her own serious health condition;

Family Care Leave: To care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition;

Military Exigency Leave: When an employee's spouse, parent, son, or daughter (of any age) experiences a qualifying exigency resulting from military service (applies to active service members deployed to a foreign country, National Guard and Reservists); and

Military Care Leave: To care for an employee's spouse, parent, son, daughter (of any age), or next of kin who requires care due to an injury or illness incurred while on active duty or was exacerbated while on active duty. Note: A leave of up to 26 weeks of leave per 12-month period may be taken to care for the injured/ill service member.

B. Key Policy Definitions

Eligible employees under this policy are those who have been employed by our Company for at least 12 months (need not be consecutive months and under certain circumstances hours missed from work due to military call-up will also be counted) and have performed at least 1,250 hours of service in the 12-month period immediately preceding the date leave is to begin. Employees who work in small locations with fewer than 50 employees within 75 miles, are not eligible for leave. However, employees should contact Human Resources to discuss other types of leave that might be available for the reasons listed in this policy.

Leave year for the purposes of this policy shall be a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave.

A spouse means a husband or wife as recognized under state law for the purposes of marriage in the state or other territory or country where the marriage arose.

A son or daughter for the purposes of parental or family leave is defined as a biological, adopted, foster child, step-child, legal ward, or a child for whom the employee stood in loco parentis to, who is (1) under 18 years of age or, (2) 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of physical or mental disability. A son or daughter for the purposes of military exigency or military care leave can be of any age.

A parent means a biological, adoptive, step, or foster parent or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a son or daughter.

Next of kin for the purposes of military care leave is a blood relative other than a spouse, parent, or child in the following order: brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and first cousins. If a military service member designates in writing another blood relative as his or her caregiver, that individual shall be the only next of kin. In appropriate circumstances, employees may be required to provide documentation of next of kin status.

A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider. Ordinarily, unless complications arise, cosmetic treatments and minor conditions such as the cold, flu, ear aches, upset stomach, minor ulcers, headaches (other than migraines), and routine dental problems are examples of conditions that are not serious health conditions under this policy. If you have any questions about the types of conditions which may qualify, contact Human Resources.

A health care provider is a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy, physician's assistant, podiatrist, dentist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, or a clinical social worker. Under limited circumstances, a chiropractor or other provider recognized by our group health plan for the purposes of certifying a claim for benefits may also be considered a health care provider.

Qualifying exigencies for military exigency leave include: 

Short-notice call-ups/deployments of seven days or less (Note: Leave for this exigency is available for up to seven days beginning the date of call-up notice);

Attending official ceremonies, programs, or military events;

Special child care needs created by a military call-up including making alternative child care arrangements, handling urgent and nonroutine child care situations, arranging for school transfers, or attending school or daycare meetings;

Making financial and legal arrangements;

Attending counseling sessions for the military service member, the employee, or the military service members' son or daughter who is under 18 years of age or 18 or older but is incapable of self-care because a mental or physical disability;

Rest and recuperation (Note: Fifteen days of leave is available for this exigency per event);

Post-deployment activities such as arrival ceremonies, re-integration briefings, and other official ceremonies sponsored by the military (Note: Leave for these events is available during a period of 90 days following the termination of active duty status). This type of leave may also be taken to address circumstances arising from the death of a covered military member while on active duty;

Parental care when the military family member is needed to care for a parent who is incapable of self-care (e.g. arranging for alternative care or transfer to a care facility); and

Other exigencies that arise that are agreed to by both STRATUM HR and employee.

A serious injury/illness incurred by a service member in the line of active duty or that is exacerbated by active duty is any injury or illness that renders the service member unfit to perform the duties of his or her office, grade, rank, or rating.


C. Notice and Leave Request Process

Foreseeable Need for Leave: If the need for leave is foreseeable because of an expected birth/adoption or planned medical treatment, employees must give at least 30 days' notice. If 30 days' notice is not practicable, notice must be given as soon as possible. Employees are expected to complete and return a leave request form prior to the beginning of leave. Failure to provide appropriate notice and/or complete and return the necessary paperwork will result in the delay or denial of leave.

Unforeseeable Need for Leave: If the need for leave is unforeseeable, notice must be provided as soon as practicable and possible under the facts of the particular case. Normal call-in procedures apply to all absences from work including those for which leave under this policy may be requested. Employees are expected to complete and return the necessary leave request form as soon as possible to obtain the leave. Failure to provide appropriate notice and/or complete and return the necessary paperwork on a timely basis will result in the delay or denial of leave.

Leave Request Process: To request leave under this policy, employees must obtain and complete a leave request form from their supervisor or Human Resources and return the completed form to Human Resources. If the need for leave is unforeseeable and employees will be absent more than three days, employees should contact Human Resources by telephone and request that a leave form be mailed to their home. If the need for leave will be fewer than three days, employees must complete and return the leave request form upon returning to work.

Call-in Procedures: In all instances where an employee will be absent, the call-in procedures and standards established for giving notice of absence from work must be followed.

D. Leave Increments

Parental Leave: Leave for the birth or placement of a child must be taken in a single block and cannot be taken on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis. Parental Leave must be completed within 12 months of the birth or placement of the child; however, employees may use parental leave before the placement of an adopted or foster child to consult with attorneys, appear in court, attend counseling sessions, etc.

Family Care, Personal Medical, Military Exigency, and Military Care Leave: Leave taken for these reasons may be taken in a block or blocks of time. In addition, if a health care provider deems it necessary or if the nature of a qualifying exigency requires, leave for these reasons can be taken on an intermittent or reduced-schedule basis.

E. Paid Leave Utilization During FMLA Leave

Employees taking parental, family care, military exigency and/or military care leave must utilize available vacation/PTO, personal days, and/or family illness days during this leave. Employees on personal medical leave must utilize available sick, personal, and vacation/PTO days during this leave. Employees receiving short- or long-term disability or workers' compensation benefits during a personal medical leave will not be required to utilize these benefits. However, employees may elect to utilize accrued benefits to supplement these benefits.

F. Certification and Fitness for Duty Requirements

Employees requesting family care, personal medical, or military care leave must provide certification from a health care provider to qualify for leave. Such certification must be provided within 15 days of the request for leave unless it is not practicable under the circumstances despite the employee's diligent efforts. Failure to timely provide certification may result in leave being delayed, denied, or revoked. In the Company's discretion, employees may also be required to obtain a second and third certification from another health care provider at Company expense (except for military care leave). Recertification of the continuance of a serious health condition or an injury/illness of a military service member will also be required at appropriate intervals.

Employees requesting a military exigency leave may also be required to provide appropriate active duty orders and subsequent information concerning particular qualifying exigencies involved.

Employees requesting personal medical leave will also be required to provide a fitness for duty certification from their health care provider prior to returning to work.

G. Scheduling Leave and Temporary Transfers

Where possible, employees should attempt to schedule leave so as not to unduly disrupt operations. Employees requesting leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis that is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment may be temporarily transferred to another job with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates recurring periods of leave.

H. Health Insurance

STRATUM HR will maintain an employee's health insurance coverage if available during leave on the same basis as if he or she were still working. Employees must continue to make timely payments of their share of the premiums for such coverage. Failure to pay premiums within 30 days of when they are due may result in a lapse of coverage. In this event, STRATUM HR will notify the employee 15 days before the date coverage lapses that coverage will terminate unless payments are promptly made. Alternatively, at the Company's option, STRATUM HR may pay the employee's share of the premiums during the leave and recover the costs of this insurance upon the employee's return to work. Coverage that lapses due to nonpayment of premiums will be reinstated immediately upon return to work without a waiting period. Under most circumstances, if an employee does not return to work at the end of leave, STRATUM HR may require the employee to reimburse STRATUM HR for the health insurance premiums paid during the leave.

I. Return to Work

Employees returning to work at the end of leave will be placed in their original job or an equivalent job with equivalent pay and benefits. Employees will not lose any benefits that accrued before leave was taken. Employees may not, however, be entitled to discretionary raises, promotions, bonus payments, or other benefits that become available during the period of leave. 

J. Spouse Aggregation

In the case where an employee and his or her spouse are both employed by the Company, the total number of weeks to which both are entitled in the aggregate because of the birth or placement of a child or to care for a parent with a serious health condition will be limited to 12 weeks per leave year. Similarly, a husband and wife employed by STRATUM HR will be limited to a combined total of 26 weeks of leave to care for a military service member. This 26-week leave period will be reduced, however, by the amount of leave taken for other qualifying FMLA events. This type of leave aggregation does not apply to leave needed because of an employee's own serious health condition, to care for a spouse or child with a serious health condition, or because of a qualifying exigency.


K. General Provisions

Failure to Return: Employees failing to return to work or failing to make a request for an extension of their leave prior to the expiration of the leave will be deemed to have voluntarily terminated their employment. STRATUM HR is not required to grant requests for open-ended leaves with no reasonable return date under these policies or as disability accommodations. 

Alternative Employment: No employee, while on leave of absence, shall work or be gainfully employed either for himself, herself, or others unless express, written permission to perform such outside work has been granted by the Company. Any employee on a leave of absence who is found to be working elsewhere without permission will be automatically terminated.

False Reason for Leave: Termination will occur if an employee gives a false reason for a leave.

7.8   Military Leave (USERRA)

STRATUM HR complies with applicable federal and state law regarding military leave and re-employment rights. Unpaid military leave of absence will be granted to members of the uniformed services in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (with amendments) and all applicable state law. Documentation of the need for the leave is required to be submitted to Human Resources. An employee returning from military leave of absence will be reinstated to his or her previous or similar job in accordance with state and federal law. You must notify your manager of your intent to return to employment based on requirements of the law. For more information regarding status, compensation, benefits and reinstatement upon return from military leave, please contact Human Resources.

7.9   Jury Duty and Witness Leave

If you are summoned for jury duty, please make scheduling arrangements with your supervisor as soon as you receive your summons or subpoena. Although STRATUM HR does not pay for jury duty time off.

7.10    Voting Leave

If your work schedule prevents you from voting on Election Day, STRATUM HR will allow you a reasonable time off to vote. The time when you can go to vote will be at the discretion of your supervisor, consistent with applicable legal requirements.

7.11    Workers' Compensation Insurance

The staff leasing company provides workers' compensation benefits to assignees for a job-related injury or illness. This insurance provides for medical care and temporary disability, and benefits for permanent disability.

Creating a safe place to work free of accidents is everyone's concern. If you become injured or ill on the job you are to report immediately to your supervisor. Your supervisor will complete an "First Report of Injury" which must be submitted to the Corporate Office or a place designated by STRATUM HR within 24 hours following the accident or illness. Medical care will be provided as required by workers' compensation statutes. If you fail to report an accident which develops into a "lost time accident" at a later date, you may have difficulty in obtaining workers' compensation benefits.

You should be aware that workers' compensation insurance does not cover the payment of workers' compensation benefits for any injury which arises out of your voluntary participation in any off duty recreational, social, or athletic activity which is not a part of your work-related duties.

7.12    Unemployment Compensation Insurance

Unemployment compensation insurance is paid for by STRATUM HR and provides temporary income for employees who have lost their job under certain circumstances. Your eligibility for unemployment compensation will, in part, be determined by the reasons for your separation from the Company.

7.13    COBRA

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides the opportunity for eligible employees and their beneficiaries to continue health insurance coverage under STRATUM HR health plan when a "qualifying event" could result in the loss of eligibility. Qualifying events include resignation, termination of employment, death of an employee, reduction in hours, a leave of absence, divorce or legal separation, entitlement to Medicare, or where a dependent child no longer meets eligibility requirements.

Please contact Human Resources to learn more about your COBRA rights.

8.0    Safety and Loss Prevention

8.1   General Safety Policy

It is the responsibility of every employee of STRATUM HR to maintain a healthy and safe work environment. Please report all safety hazards and occupational illnesses or injuries to your supervisor immediately and complete an occupational illness or injury form as needed. Failure to follow the Company's health and safety rules can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

8.2   Drug and Alcohol Policy

STRATUM HR considers drug and alcohol abuse a serious matter that will not be tolerated. STRATUM HR absolutely prohibits employees from using, selling, possessing, or being under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or a controlled substance or prescription drug not medically authorized while at their job, on Company property, or while on work time.

Therefore, it is the Company's policy that:

You may not report to work under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any controlled substance or prescription drug not medically authorized.

You may not possess or use alcohol, illegal drugs, or any controlled substance or prescription drug not medically authorized while on company property or on company business.

Company conducts random drug testing throughout the year at any given time or if an injury occurs. 

Company reserves the right to screen assignees in the form of a urine test to determine the presence or absence of illegal drugs or alcohol.

Failure to consent to this drug screen will be cause for discharge. Please see the "conditions of Employee" form which you signed on your start date. Any assignees, who is injured on the job and requires medical treatment, will be tested for drugs and alcohol at the time of the initial medical treatment.

STRATUM HR also cautions against use of prescribed or over-the-counter medication, which can affect your ability to perform your job safely, or the use of prescribed or over-the-counter medication in a manner violating the recommended dosage or instructions from the doctor. You must have a valid prescription for any prescription medication used while working for the Company. Inform your supervisor prior to working under the influence of a prescribed or over-the-counter medication that may affect your ability to perform your job safely. If STRATUM HR determines that the prescribed or over-the-counter medication does not pose a safety risk, you will be allowed to work. Failure to comply with these guidelines concerning prescription or over-the-counter medication may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

A violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

8.3   Nonsmoking Policy

Smoking may be prohibited at work except at designated smoking areas. Do not smoke in any of the following areas; inside an office or branch, within 15 feet of an entrance or in areas marked "No Smoking". This policy extends to Clients' premises or work Employee location. You should exercise extreme care regarding the fire hazards associated with smoking at all times.

8.4   Policy Against Violence

As the safety and security of our employees, vendors, contractors, and the general public is in the best interests of STRATUM HR, we are committed to working with our employees to provide a work environment free from violence, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior.

Zero Tolerance Policy

STRATUM HR has a zero-tolerance policy regarding workplace violence and will not tolerate acts or threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior, either physical or verbal, that occurs in the workplace or other areas. This applies to management, co-workers, employees, and non-employees such as contractors, customers, and visitors.

Workplace violence can include oral or written statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm, damage to property, or any intentional behavior that may cause a person to feel threatened.

Prohibited Conduct 

Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:

Physically injuring another person.

Threatening to injure a person or damage property by any means, including verbal, written, direct, indirect, or electronic means.

Taking any action to place a person in reasonable fear of imminent harm or offensive contact.

Possessing, brandishing, or using a firearm on Company property or while performing Company business except as permitted by state law.

Violating a restraining order, order of protection, injunction against harassment, or other court order.

Reporting Incidents of Violence

Report to your manager, supervisor, or Human Resources, in accordance with this policy, any behavior that compromises the Company's ability to maintain a safe work environment. All reports will be investigated immediately and kept confidential, except where there is a legitimate need to know. You are expected to cooperate in any investigation of workplace violence.


Violating this policy may subject you to criminal charges as well as discipline up to and including immediate termination of employment.


Victims and witnesses of workplace violence will not be retaliated against in any manner. In addition, you will not be subject to discipline for, based on a reasonable belief, reporting a threat, or for cooperating in an investigation.

If you initiate, participate, are involved in retaliation, or obstruct an investigation into conduct prohibited by this policy, you will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

If you believe you have been wrongfully retaliated against, immediately report the matter to Human Resources.

9.0   Trade Secrets and Inventions

9.1   Confidentiality and Nondisclosure of Trade Secrets

As a condition of employment, Company employees are required to protect the confidentiality of Company trade secrets, proprietary information, and confidential Company-related commercially-sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.). Access to this information should be limited to a "need to know" basis and should not be used for personal benefit, disclosed, or released without prior authorization from a supervisor. Any employee who has information that leads them to suspect that an employee or competitor is obtaining such information is required to inform their supervisor or Human Resources.

Violation of this policy may result in the discipline or termination of any employee, as well as subject the employee to civil liability


11.0    Closing Statement

11.1    Closing Statement

Thank you for reading our employee handbook. We hope it has provided you with an understanding of the Company's history, and structure as well as our current policies and guidelines. We look forward to working with you to create a successful company and a safe, productive, and pleasant workplace.



12.0 Acknowledgment of Receipt and Review 

12.1 Acknowledgment of Receipt and Review 

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read a copy of the STRATUM HR Employee Handbook (handbook) at my own free will either via online or located at the office, onsite office, or satellite office, understand it, and agree to comply with it. I understand that STRATUM HR has the maximum discretion permitted by law to interpret, administer, change, modify, or delete the rules, regulations, procedures, and benefits contained in the handbook at any time with or without notice. No statement or representation by a supervisor, manager, or any other employee, whether oral or written, can supplement or modify this handbook. Changes can only be made if approved in writing by the Company. I also understand that any delay or failure by STRATUM HR to enforce any rule, regulation, or procedure contained in the handbook does not constitute a waiver on behalf of STRATUM HR or effect the right of STRATUM HR to enforce such rule, regulation, or procedure in the future. 

I understand that neither this handbook nor any other communication by a management representative or other, whether oral or written, is intended in any way to create a contract of employment. I further understand that, unless I have a written employment agreement or offer letter signed by an authorized Company representative, with a Company Letter Head, in detail with my job role, responsibilities, expectations, benefits, performance reviews, non-compete outlines, and signature, and states “Offer of Employment” I am employed “at-will” and this handbook does not modify my “at-will” employment status, and can be terminated based on CA Labor Code section 2922 “An employment, having no specific term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other”. In reference that the employment relation can be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause, and with or without advance notice. 

If I have any questions about the content or interpretation of this handbook, I will contact my STRATUM HR Representative. 


Date ______________________________ 


Signature _______________________________________________ 


Print Name _______________________________________________________


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